Friday, March 1, 2013


So this last week has been overwhelmed with writing promotion 'stuff'.  My book was released unexpectedly early and despite my best efforts to have laid the groundwork for promotional activities, I have been scrambling every day.  In the last few days I have made posts on Facebook accounts, here and on my website, Dear Author, my local writing organization's newsletter (Central Ohio Fiction Writers), and sent out material to four authors who have generously agreed to post it on their websites.  I have one to go with that, and I plan to post a blurb at the LoveRomances Yahoo group on Monday because I missed it this week.
I also need to set up an Author account at Goodreads but I'm waiting until my book is on Amazon, B&N, and other sites which should hopefully be next week. Whew!

I also started looking at swag and think I know what I want to purchase.  More on that later.  I also paid for an advertising slot on my publisher's tshirts to be given away at the Lori Foster Reader and Author Get Together which I will register for this Monday.

In addition to all of this, I started writing a new book Sunday night which was probably not the best timing, but I have managed to produce over 6,000 words, so that is good.  I reached the 'cannot concentrate any more' moment about fifteen minutes ago because the dog started to bark and the son started to shout, so maybe I'll have some peace later.  I just figured out something about my heroine and I should probably reflect on that before I write any more for her.  She's turned from someone who is tough and gruff to someone who has a lot of fragile barriers. Right now I am going to make some popcorn and find a movie for us to watch this cold afternoon.

So whenever I think I haven't accomplished much lately, I will go back to this post and try to cut myself some slack.

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